Friday, March 21, 2008

Feet Summer Ready In Bikini Heels

Get your feet "summer ready" with
Bikini Heels!

No more hot socks or bulky heel wrap.

Bikini Heels are a new fun and attractive heel wrap to help alleviate dry cracked heels without the mess. Wear Bikini Heels with your favorite heel cream, petroleum jelly, or scented oil. The four-way durable stretch fabric is lined with a thin, soft cushion to keep the moisturizer from seeping through.

Get creative! Bikini Heels are attractive yet casual enough to be worn on the boat, at the beach, around the pool, in the car on the way to that well deserved vacation get-away or even around the house.

Bikini Heels can also be discretely worn with any open back shoe and can easily be untied to slip off without taking your shoes off. They are great for quick heel fixes when you are on the go. Heading out to that big day or night, Bikini Heels protect your heels from attracting sand and dust while your heels are absorbing the moisturizer.

No more mess on furniture or floor surfaces you may be walking on.

You now can moisturize your heels and polish your toe-nails at the same time with Bikini Heels.

Step out with confidence by ordering a pair of Bikini Heels today!

To get prices on Bikini Heels, contact Laura @ (229) 815-8406 or e-mail Prices will vary according to order size.

Bikini Heels are now being offered in Bahama Blue, Key Lime Green, Pretty in Pink, Baby Blue w/polka dots, Bronze Tan, Patriotic Red and Midnight Black. Bikini Heel laces come in a variety of colors and prints.